July 2022 News

Toastmasters Trivia

How well do you know your club?

For many joining a Toastmasters club, the main purpose of membership is to practice public speaking and wrangle those nerves until the speaking stage is a comfortable and familiar home.

While our speaking skills are being built, connections are made and we get to know many of our fellow members. Each meeting is an opportunity to find new little nuggets of information of each individual.

Have you ever wondered, "How well do I know my friends at Rockridge Toastmaster?" Maybe you haven't, but I have....and this is the quiz for all to find the answers. Below are 10 questions about our members based on meetings through the previous year. Take the quiz via this link, where you can choose from the multiple choices.

1) Which one of our members has published a book?

2) This member's favorite kitchen gadget is the mocha pot, even if they are not an avid coffee drinker. Who is this?

3) Which one of our of members has directed a film?

4) Which member enjoyed painting watercolors with their mom during COVID?

5) A member of of our club plays the piano and their mom ran a family jewelry shop. Who is this?

6) This RTM member was a chef and their cooking journey began with a book called "Suzy's New Stove." Who is this?

7) This member noted that their go to dish was the baked potato, esp. for Tuesdays and RTM meetings. Which member is this?

8) When asked what they would do on snow days, which club member would make margaritas?

9) These two members love baseball and have given speeches associated with the game. Who are they?

10) Which of our members enjoyed reading the bible? They would go to Catechism and then have dreams about it.

Welcome a New Member

Carol Klammer and Armando Sedano have joined our club. We are so glad to have you as part of the Rockridge family.


Both Elias Mael and Brandon Haydu have completed their Ice Breaker speech!!

New Year, New Team

RTM Officers

July marks the beginning of a brand new Toastmasters year. Along with a new year and new 6-month term, we have a new roster of officers. A special thank you goes out to all of our officers who have served the club. Without these volunteers, Rockridge could not and would not be a success.

Moving on to bigger and better things are Robert Crosbie and Megan Pratt. Robert will be leaving his post as RTM Secretary, but will continue to contribute as the District 57 Division D Director. Megan is leaving her post as RTM Sergeant at Arms, and has stepped up to be our Area 3 Director. And thank you Krista Gettle for being the engine that kept us going with roles as our VP of Education for the last six months.

Our new Leadership Team is as follows:

President - Laura Patino
Vice President of Education - Elias Mael
Vice President of Membership - Monir Memarpuri
Vice President of Public Relations - Laura Patino
Secretary - Katie Gibbons
Treasurer - Rubette Cowan
Sergeant at Arms - Armando Sedano
VP of Pathways - Eric Zan

Thank you to those officers that will continue with their roles and a huge thank you to those who stepped up to take on a new role: one brand new member, one returning member, and one member who has been an onging member for the past 2½ years. Armando Sedano became a member in June and on the same evening accepted the role of Sergeant at Arms. Elias Mael answered our plea for a VP of Education, a very crucial role for the club. And, last but not least, thank you Katie Gibbons for taking on the role of Secretary. We can't thrive as a club without our volunteers! Thanks a million.

Rockridge Happy Hour! 

With COVID restrictions very much removed, our club has reinstated Social Hour! Every third Tuesday of the month, Rockridge Toasties and guests are welcome to break bread have a drink at a local bar/restaurant after our regular meeting. Last month a few Toasties went out to chat at Mad Oak and had a great time.