November 2021 News

Thanksgiving Toasts

If you skipped the Thanksgiving group gatherings last year, you may have missed out on the in-person connections usually shared on this holiday; there is no better time than now to make up for the lost time.
Giving a Thanksgiving toast is heartfelt and a great way to express gratitude for the people in your life that you care about. Here are some tips for writing your own Thanksgiving toast!

  • Friendsgiving Toast: This is great if you are the host or at a close friend's home. Consider a special moment that you have had with some of the friends that you are with and raise your glass to reminisce. Add on a quote about friendship to close and everyone will surely feel grateful you took the moment to recognize your appreciation.

  • Family Toast: Suggest a game where everyone gives a toast to share something they are thankful for about the person sitting next to them. Start off the game and then close with a nice comment about how you’re grateful for everyone at the table and you’re glad you’re able to share this meal together.

  • Dinner Toast: Maybe you don’t want to conjure emotional sentiments and would prefer a lighthearted toast, have it themed around food! Take a moment to thank everyone who prepared the meal.

  • Sentimental Toast: For those who may have experienced hardships this year, it’s a good time to reflect. It’s okay to be heartfelt and give everyone else an opportunity to be there for one another. 

  • Blessings: Sharing thoughtful blessings for everyone at the table might be more your style. The Celtic or Scottish Blessing are some of my favorites. Finding ways to inspire and lift others up is a wonderful gift to share this holiday season!

RTM Officer Elections

Where has the time gone? New club officers will be elected in December for the January 1 - June 30, 2022 term. There are 8 officer positions, plus the Immediate Past President:

  • President

  • Vice President of Education

  • Vice President of Membership

  • Vice President of Public Relations

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Sergeant at Arms

  • Pathways Ambassador (VP of Pathways)

Serving the club is a worthwhile leadership experience that can be highly rewarding. If you're interested in joining the Rockridge Toastmasters Leadership Team, reach out to our Club President Laura Patino, or any of the officers currently serving for more information. You can also check out the Member Handbook to read up about each specific role and what they entail.

RTM is Going Down Under!

Laura Patino, RTM President

Over the last year and a half, the avenue of virtual meetings has allowed many clubs to travel far and wide and meet other Toasties all around the world. Rockridge Toastmasters is giving this online travel a go this month and will be having a joint club meeting with a club in….. Australia!! 

Lendlease, a corporate club, was gracious enough to agree to our request for a joint meeting. On November 9 our club will be going down under! The meeting will be a melding of both club's agendas and there will be a few changes to RTM's usual meeting schedule.  

The meeting "room" will open early, at 6:45 pm. We'll have a Round Robin, where members answer questions. This is an opportunity for members and guests to speak outside of the regular meeting roles, and get to know each other. This early portion will be optional with the official meeting starting at 7:00 pm.

Another modification is Table Topics. Lendlease has table topics evaluators! Our esteemed member Patricia DeSa is going to give this new role a try. Also, there will be no written evaluations after each speech.

The biggest change for our group will be that we're NOT using Zoom. Lendlease requires the use of Microsoft Teams, rather than Zoom. There will be a special link for this meeting only. RTM members will get an email with a reminder and the link closer to November 9. Guests will need to request the link by contacting us at our club email:

Questions? Please contact me, Laura Patino.